Downtown Dillsboro Design Commission
The commission meets the 2nd Wednesday at 6:30 PM
Kim Spangler, President
Patty Perkins, Vice-President
Leah Patterson, Secretary
Tom Deville
Cheryl Drury
Brad Holtegel
Jerri Jackson
Define and amend the design district, establish mandatory building standards and guidelines for the district. Issue certificates of compliance for proposed projects.
The Downtown Design Standards Commission consists of seven voting members, appointed by the Town Council President, subject to the approval of the Common Council.
Member Eligibility
members must be owners of property within the town boundaries who are interested in the preservation and development of the Downtown District.
Members shall serve for a term of two years, terms are staggered, three members shall serve an initial term of one year, while the remaining four seats are appointed for two-year terms. After the initial appointment all terms shall run for a period of two years.