Facade Improvement Matching Grant
The Town of Dillsboro is excited to announce the 2024 Façade Improvement Matching Grant (FIMG) Program. This program aims to support property owners in enhancing the exterior of their buildings, contributing to the overall aesthetic and economic vitality of our town.
Zoning Permits
The Town Manager is responsible for approving zoning permits. According to the Town Zoning Ordinance, Article 6, Section 600, no building or other structure may be erected, moved, added to, or structurally altered, nor shall any building, structure, or land be established or changed in use or character without a permit. The Location Improvement Permit hereafter called a Zoning Permit shall be issued by the pursuant to Plot Plan Review (Article 17) or Site Plan Review (Article 23). All Zoning Permits issued under Plot Plan Review or Site Plan Review shall be issued only in conformity with the provisions of this ordinance unless the Zoning Administrator receives a written order from the Board of Zoning Appeals deciding an appeal, conditional use, or variance.
Zoning Permit Application116.55 KB
Driveway Permit Application206 KB
Building Permits
The Town's building permits are issued by the Dearborn County Building Department. The Dearborn County Building Deparment is located at 165 Mary Street, Lawrenceburg, IN 47025 and can be reached at 812-537-8822. You can apply for a building permit online by following this link: https://dearbornpermit.portal.iworq.net/portalhome/dearbornpermit
For additional information, visit their webpage: https://www.dearborncounty.org/department/index.php?structureid=15
Land Divisions
The Town Manager reviews land divisions for compliance with the Town's Subdivision Control Ordinance. Subdivision types and review proceedures are found in Article 2 of the oridinance. Applications for division should be submitted to the Town Manager's office.
Land Division Application200.7 KB
Downtown Design District
When within the Downtown Design District, a certificate of compliance (COC) must be issued before a permit can be issued for demolition, moving of a building, a conspicuous change in the exterior appearance of buildings or additions, new construction, a change in walls and fences along public ways, or conspicuous changes in the exterior appearance of non-original buildings subject to view from the public way. The Downtown Dillsboro Design Standards Commission meets monthly to review COC applications. Applications should be submitted to the Town Manager.
Certificate of Compliance Application101.87 KB
Encroachment Permit
The Encroachement Permit is the formal request to encroach or make an improvement(s) on, under, or above Town property and those public rights-of-ways controlled by the Town of Dillsboro. The encroachment permit is further defined by the Town of Dillsboro Code of Ordinances, Title IX, Chapter 93. Applications for encroachment will not be accepted unless accompanied with a completed application (including pages 2 and 3 initialed), project plans, proof of general liability insurance, payment of application fees, submission of cash deposit, and acceptance of project plans by the Town of Dillsboro Utility Superintendent and Town Manager. Further documentation may be deemed necessary (approval by the Town Council / Board of Public Works, bonding improvements, maintenance agreement, etc.).
Encroachment Permit Application233.55 KB
Encroachment Permit Indemnification Statement46.43 KB
Sewer Connections
No person shall use storm or sanitary sewers without specific permission of the town (§52.02). No new connection shall be made to any sewer unless there is capacity available in all downstream sewers, lift stations, force mains and the sewage treatment plant. An application for connection must be made to the Town Manager prior to making such connection.
Sewer Connection Permit Application222.37 KB