U Utilities


The Town of Dillsboro provides water, waste water / sewer, and trash services to residents of the Town. 

Water Utility

The Town of Dillsboro owns and operates a drinking water utility that serves approximately 800 customers. The Town’s water supply is purchased from the City of Aurora utility and provided through a transmission main. Dillsboro also serves additional customers along the water transmission main route from Aurora. The utility sells approximately 120,000 gallons of water every day. The Town has an emergency connection to the Hoosier Hills Regional Water District (HHRWD), currently there are no homes within Town Limits that are not served water by either the Town of Dillsboro or HHRWD.

Water Quality Report / Consumer Confidence Report (CCR)

Public Water Systems that supply drinking water must follow certain federal and state safe drinking water regulations. Drinking water is any water supplied for the purpose of human consumption or domestic use. The source of the water can be ground water from wells or surface water from rivers and lakes. Community Water Systems are a type of Public Water System. Community Water Systems are required to provide annual Consumer Confidence Reports. Dillsboro's CCRs can be found below.

pdf2023 Dillsboro Consumer Confidence Report712.58 KB

pdf2022 Dillsboro Consumer Confidence Report183.6 KB

pdf2021 Dillsboro Consumer Confidence Report384.26 KB

Waste Water / Sewer Utility

The sanitary sewer collection system was originally constructed as a separate system. The original collection system pumped wastewater to a wastewater treatment lagoon system until 2006. At that time the lagoon treatment system was replaced by a 500,000 gpd bio-mechanical wastewater treatment plant, which continues in operation today.The Town of Dillsboro provides sewer services to approximately 500 customers.

Trash / Curbside Recycling:

Dillsboro has a contract with Rumpke to provide trash and recycling services to residents of Dillsboro. Trash is collected every Thursday, recycling is collected every-other-week on trash day.  Please follow the collection schedule on your Town Calendar.  Clease contact the Town at (812) 432-3243 if you don't have a recycling container, or if you would like a larger, wheeled recycling container.  

Miscelleneous Information

GIS mapping available at Town Hall, by contacting the Town Manager.

Contact the Utilities Superintendent for utility line location questions.

Utility Superintendent: Matt Bauer

Town Manager: Derek Walker

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Dillsboro is about 45 minutes west of Cincinnati, Ohio, offering rural living with access to the services of larger metropolitan areas.

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13030 Executive Dr, Dillsboro, IN 47018
(812) 432-3243

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