Beloved teacher and long-time resident of Dillsboro, Londalea Murray, will be honored by the Dearborn County Retired Teachers Association at their quarterly social on April 3rd at the Greendale Middle School.
Mrs. Murray hails from Ohio County where she grew up on a farm in Cass Township called Downeys Corner. Attending one-room schools when she was small, she later graduated from Rising Sun High School. Then on to Ball State Teachers College, as it was called in 1951. Tuition was $32 a quarter and $166 to live in the dorm. She muses that we may think that is cheap, however it was as hard to come by then, as it is for students today. One year the tobacco crop wasn’t good, so her dad sold a steer to make her college payments.
She married Bob Murray in 1956. Dillsboro became her home in 1962 where she has lived and raised her family. She took a break from teaching to raise their four children, Barbara, Brian, Brent and Bruce.
Many in the community were either taught by Mrs. Murray or she had your children in class. After teaching for 32 years, Londalea Murray retired in 2001.