Over the past year, we have been speaking much about the Dillsboro Community Partnership.
The Dillsboro Community Partnership is a group of community members and business leaders dedicated to creating a vibrant downtown Dillsboro, by fostering community pride, enhancing and promoting growth and supporting local businesses and organizations to strengthen the quality of life in our community.
This all sounds good, but who exactly is this?
- The Dillsboro Civic Club
- Dillsboro Arts/Friendship Gallery
- American Legion
- Sons of the Legion
- Legion Auxiliary
- Beautification of Dillsboro
- the Dillsboro Volunteer Fire Department
- Dillsboro Emergency Services
- Dillsboro Elementary School
- Dillsboro Public Library
- Hopewell Masonic Lodge
- Dillsboro Summer Ball
- Dillsboro SISAY Soccer
- Girl Scouts
- 4-H members of our community,
- all churches, all businesses, and everyone who lives in our community!
It is our job to revitalize the economy, appearance, and image of downtown Dillsboro using the National Main Street Center's successful Main Street Approach.
Main Street is a comprehensive approach to revitalization built around a community's heritage. The DCP unites all the organizations and resources in the community to grow the economy and stimulate pride in the heart of our downtown. At the same time, we support events which will increase traffic, commerce and prosperity.
- Events planned for 2018 include:
- EMS Easter Egg Hunt-3/31
- Dillsboro in Bloom-5/12
- Farmers Market-Every Saturday 5/26-9/29
- Homecoming Festival-5/16-19
- Summer Concert Series-6/16, 7/28, 8/18, 9/15
- Heritage Festival-9/15-16
- Halloween Party & Hayride at the Waters 10/23
- Halloween Parade-10/30
- Trick or Treat-10/31
- Evening of Thanks-11/2
- Veterans Program-11/11
- Shop Small in Dillsboro-11/24
- Our Hometown Christmas-12/1
We support our businesses by assisting with events, investing in blighted properties, supporting and promoting through the website, social media and other county and regional media. Please come and join in the exciting plans for Dillsboro. We meet the fourth Monday of the month at the Dillsboro Town Hall at 6:30 PM. There is something of interest for everyone and all ages.